Sunday, March 27, 2011

label your kids!

I stumbled upon SafetyTat several years ago when my twins turned 2 years old. It was a stressful time with their newly found independence. My son was only 4 and with the twins, I had 3 going in different directions. Actually, my son always tried to help but more often than not, it resulted in mishap. So I was excited about the SafetyTat and ordered a pack right away.

Once I got them, I was able to use them right away for the 4th of July celebration. It was at night, so it was the perfect timing. Should the twins get separated from us, they were too young to tell their names and their parents names. How would we ever get reunited? With SafetyTat, if they were found, our phone number is right there.

SafetyTat looks like a sticker that has a design and a space to write a phone number in. It is then placed on a child’s arm (or wherever you’d like) so that in case they are separated from the grown-ups, there is a way for them to get reunited. It has a strong adhesive and can’t easily be taken off. In fact, it stayed on for days when I used it with my kids when we left it alone. I also used it on our 1000-mile 3 day trip (1610km) on each of my 3 kids and it lasted the entire time.

Personally, I love the write-on SafetyTat because we move a lot, and therefore change phone numbers a lot. With the write-on SafetyTat, we can write our current cell phone number in or of the number of a parent/grandparent/babysitter who is present on the trip (or whoever didn’t forget their cell phone at home).

It’s easy to use. If you can put a band-aid, you can put this on a child. Just make sure the skin is clean and dry. The write-on SafetyTat sticks very well and can last up to 2 weeks according to their website (though I have never left it on the kids that long). Removing it can be painful, especially if it’s stuck to a body part with a lot of hair. Peel it slowly. I found that applying a good moisturizer and massaging it on and then leaving it for a few minutes work best.

***Part of this post was originally posted by me on here.

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