Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Forward facing 'buggies' stresses babies?

I'm severely disturbed by this little bit of news that reads "Babies Stressed Out By Buggies". It appears on Yahoo UK & Ireland. There may very well be something about having babies and small children facing out into the world and how it affects them, but this so called study is hardly the one to herald trust-worthy findings.

The news reports of about 3,000 parent-infant pairs in the study, but yet when it came to the experiment where they concluded,"Our data suggests that for many babies today, life in a buggy is emotionally impoverished and possibly stressful. Stressed babies grow into anxious adults," it only talks about 20 babies participating. What? Really? In an experiment with 20 babies, that's a heck of a bold statement to make. Either that or that 20 babies were picked from all the corners of the world, or at least representative of the population they're trying to represent.